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Senior Style: Crafting Football Overalls with a Sentimental Flair

In a tradition upheld by many high schools around America, Dowling senior girls start on their overalls during the summer before senior year and spend upwards of 10 hours on the pants
Mara Mead, Isa Colon-Alba, Elizabeth James, Franny Umstead, Lilian Schultheis, and Maddie Ricke attend a football game in their overalls.
Mara Mead, Isa Colon-Alba, Elizabeth James, Franny Umstead, Lilian Schultheis, and Maddie Ricke attend a football game in their overalls.
Maria Smith
Rachel Talley works on her senior overalls.
Rachel Talley

“For these overalls, I wanted them to show my faith and Dowling pride but also be fun and girly. On the back, I have bows which are something I have loved forever. I also have a cross at the top to show my faith. Then on the pocket near the bottom, I’m putting “Do everything in love, ” one of my favorite Bible verses. You can’t see the front, but I have my last name in maroon. I plan to add more to the front using maroon, black, and pink paint. Overall, I have worked on these for 6 hours so far. I still have more work to do but so far I love how they have turned out!” – Rachel

Rachel Talley works on her senior overalls.
Alexia (right) and her sister Olivia Meredith (left) smile for the camera.
Alexia Meredith

“For my overalls, it took me about a week because I could work on them for 30 minutes to an hour every day. The paint that I used would not dry because I would do a lot of layers of paint. My strategy was to  stencil, trace it, and then do one layer of paint and outline it in marker. Then I would add another layer of paint maybe some spray glitter or something like that. I would work in a group with friends and I also got my family’s handprints on the back of my leg and I am having people add their signatures to the back of my overalls for a memory.” – Alexia

Alexia (right) and her sister Olivia Meredith (left) smile for the camera.
Grace Frye
Grace Frye

“I started my overalls in July because I knew that being the perfectionist that I am, it would take a while. First, I did a rough sketch of my overalls on a piece of paper, so I could see if I liked the design before committing to putting it on my overalls. Next, I penciled out the designs on my overalls. Unlike most people, I didn’t use any stencils, so it took me a little bit longer than it probably could have. However, most of my designs weren’t something that could have been made with a stencil anyway. After I finished sketching out the designs on my overalls, I painted a section each day, like the front pocket, for example, then a leg, another leg, etc., and watched a lot of TV to make the process more fun. I had my overalls done by August, so it saved me a lot of stress come the beginning of the school year. I enjoyed the tradition of painting my overalls and am really happy with how they turned out!“ – Grace

Mara Mead, Isa Colon-Alba, Elizabeth James, Franny Umstead, Lilian Schultheis, and Maddie Ricke attend a football game in their overalls.
Elizabeth James

“I got my overalls for my birthday in May and worked all summer planning and painting with my friends. The overalls made it feel like I was actually a senior for the first time!” – Elizabeth

Mara Mead, Isa Colon-Alba, Elizabeth James, Franny Umstead, Lilian Schultheis, and Maddie Ricke attend a football game in their overalls. (Maria Smith)
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About the Contributor
Delaney Platt
Delaney Platt, Editor-in-Chief
Delaney Platt is a senior at Dowling Catholic High School. She is involved in Student Ambassadors, National Honors Society, Students for Life, Chick-fil-A Leadership Academy, and Ut Fidem. In her spare time, Delaney loves reading, binge-watching Netflix, and hanging out with her friends. She joined News Media to share the stories of Dowling Catholic and she is excited for her last year on staff as co-editor-in-chief with Ella Johnson.