About the Contributors

Delaney Platt, Editor-in-Chief
Delaney Platt is a senior at Dowling Catholic High School. She is involved in Student Ambassadors, National Honors Society, Students for Life, Chick-fil-A Leadership Academy, and Ut Fidem. In her spare time, Delaney loves reading, binge-watching Netflix, and hanging out with her friends. She joined News Media to share the stories of Dowling Catholic and she is excited for her last year on staff as co-editor-in-chief with Ella Johnson.

Ella Johnson, Editor-in-Chief
Ella Johnson’s love for storytelling has come to life at The Dowling Catholic Post for the past three years. A senior, she also participates in tennis, the Fall Play, Speech, Student Ambassadors, Student Philanthropy Council, National Honor Society, and Ut Fidem. Her favorite newsroom memory is the first pitch meeting she led as Editor-in-Chief alongside Delaney Platt, as it was a moment she had imagined since fifth grade when she started a one-woman newspaper at her elementary school. She thanks you for supporting her love and the art of journalism by reading The Dowling Catholic Post.

Addi Schaefer, Staff Writer
Addi Schaefer is a senior at Dowling Catholic High School. Addi has been involved in Speech and Debate since freshman year and also participates in One Dowling Family. Addi also participates in Girl Scouts outside of school. During the summer Addi is a counselor at Girl Scout Camp Tanglefoot in Clear Lake. Outside of school, Addi spends time with their cats and dogs and enjoys making art. Next year, Addi plans to go to DMACC to get an associate’s degree in Social Work with hopes of becoming an adolescent therapist. This year Addi is excited to share the stories of Dowling Catholic and the Des Moines community!

Becca Davila-Gay, Staff Writer
Rebecca (Becca) Davila-Gay is a senior at Dowling Catholic this year and this is her second year writing for the newspaper. In school she is involved in band and several of its extracurriculars and National Honor Society. Outside of school she likes to indulge in her hobbies which include reading, writing, art, and spending time with her friends and family. In the future, Becca is wants to double major in English and Graphic Design at the University of Iowa.

Averi Langin, Editor-in-Chief
Averi Langin is a senior at Dowling Catholic High School. She has been involved in Newspaper for 2 years and is now the Editor-in-Chief of the paper. She has been involved in cross country, Ut Fidem, yearbook, National Honor Society and golf. Averi loves to read in her free time and golf with friends when it is nice out. Averi is hoping to choose a college to attend next fall and she hopes to double major in business and journalism.