For many the Dowling Catholic Chapel is a place to find peace among the busy halls of DCHS. The Chapel is a staple of the school, and we feel more students could be taking advantage of this sacred place more often. You can start and end your day here, with morning and PrimeTime mass, along with adoration, the chapel is always here for you.
For all students, we have the privilege of going to a private school where our Catholic faith is the center of our focus and education. Many of us don’t realize how special of an opportunity we have to have a space dedicated to us, and strengthening our relationship with God. This isn’t something we could get at a public school, and we are grateful to have this faith filled area.

“I enjoy going to the Chapel throughout my day to regroup. Especially during finals week I find myself praying in the Chapel to calm down and regain my focus, ” says Stark.
The Coppola Family St. Joseph Chapel wasn’t always the biggest piece of Dowling. In fact, it was quite small before the renovation in 2015. The once fifteen-person Chapel has turned into a 300+ person Chapel, allowing for class masses. Many Dowling alumni that came before us wish they had this amazing chapel to worship in.
“For me, going to the chapel during lunch has become a habit that has bettered me as a person. It’s truly an amazing space where I can give my thoughts to God, and take a break from the busy school day,” says Harnden.
Overall, the Dowling Catholic Chapel is a fantastic place and opportunity for all Dowling students to gather their thoughts. It holds a special place in all DCHS students’ hearts.