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The student news site of Dowling Catholic High School

The Dowling Catholic Post

  • January 9No Classes - Monday 1/20
  • January 9Madrigal Dinner Fri/Sat @ SFA
  • December 11Get out and attend winter sports games!
The student news site of Dowling Catholic High School

The Dowling Catholic Post

The student news site of Dowling Catholic High School

The Dowling Catholic Post

Shannon Bigelow

Shannon Bigelow, Staff Writer

Shannon Bigelow is a Dowling senior involved in cross country, Irish dance, 4H, Ut Fidem, photography club, Student Ambassadors, and National Honor Society. Outside of school she enjoys spending time with friends and family, going to concerts (music taste includes Mt. Joy, Lizzie McAlpine, and Vampire Weekend), reading, and taking photos! In the future she plans to major in English on the pre-law track. She’s excited for a year staff writing for the Dowling Catholic Post!

All content by Shannon Bigelow