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The student news site of Dowling Catholic High School

The Dowling Catholic Post

  • March 3Thank you for celebrating Scholastic Journalism Week with us 2/24-2/28!
  • March 3IHFSL State Speech and Debate tournament is 3/6-3/8
  • March 3Spring Break 3/14-3/21
  • March 3Girls state basketball tournament takes place March 3-8
The student news site of Dowling Catholic High School

The Dowling Catholic Post

The student news site of Dowling Catholic High School

The Dowling Catholic Post

Our Mission
As journalists, The Dowling Catholic Post’s principle mission is to report the truth. As high school journalists, we also hold the responsibility to foster engagement among fellow students, alumni, families, and community members. To uphold both facets of our mission while representing the spirit of excellence at DCHS, we devote our time to tracking down interviews and refining our opinions, each quote and description operating as a puzzle piece to an article, video, or podcast, and each publication operating as the foundation for democracy.

Spring Break is around the Corner... What are your plans Maroons?


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