The student news site of Dowling Catholic High School

The Dowling Catholic Post

Breaking News
  • May 28The DCP wishes everyone a happy summer!
  • April 30Staff Writer Ella Johnson earns Top 10 Emerging Journalist award!
The student news site of Dowling Catholic High School

The Dowling Catholic Post

The student news site of Dowling Catholic High School

The Dowling Catholic Post

Macy Harnden

Macy Harnden, Staff Writer

Macy Harnden is currently a sophomore at Dowling Catholic High School. She is on the basketball team at DCHS and plays club basketball for All Iowa Attack. Macy is also involved in Student Ambassadors, Ut Fidem, Special Olympics, Cards for a Cause, and Students for Life. She is excited to be a writer for the post this year!

All content by Macy Harnden